Rainbow is an unusual mushroom, the body of which is egg-shaped, and the cap is like a bell. At first, the mushroom looks like an egg just lying on the ground. Then the shell cracks and a fruiting body is formed. After 3 days, the mushroom is covered with mucus and begins to smell disgustingly like carrion. It is not poisonous, but it is not used in Ukraine either. It grows in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests and is valued for its healing properties. The rainbow mushroom is used in folk recipes to treat prostatitis.
Rainbow mushroom tincture: what helps
Rainbow mushroom tincture has medicinal properties that have a healing effect on a person. They are caused by the presence of useful nutrients:
phytoncides - help in the fight against viruses and bacteria;
polysaccharides - have a harmful effect on cancer cells and increase the body's defenses;
phytosterols - participate in the synthesis of male sex hormones;
antihistamine compounds – effective for allergies and tissue swelling;
antioxidants - slow down aging processes in the body;
amino acids, vitamins and minerals;
mineral salts;
acids: propionic, acetic.
Mycologists explain the use of rainbow mushroom tincture for the prevention of cancer by the activation of the perforin substance in the body, which suppresses the growth of atypical cells. Thanks to polysaccharides that are not found in other mushrooms, the rainbow mushroom is effective in oncology and benign neoplasms. According to customer reviews, it does not allow cells to turn into cancer.
Treatment with tincture has an antitumor, antiviral, analgesic, tonic and antisclerotic effect.
The use of a unique mushroom as an antiviral agent helps not only with flu and SARS, but also successfully treats herpes and viral hepatitis. In non-traditional medicine, there are known cases of the use of radon to maintain a stable condition in AIDS.
Contraindications for taking rainbow mushroom tincture:
pregnancy and lactation period;
children's age up to 16 years;
chronic heart diseases;
autoimmune diseases;
Instructions: how to take the tincture correctly
Depending on the disease and the condition of the person, it is recommended to use the drug from 1 teaspoon to 3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Externally, the drug is used as compresses, rubbing, microclyse, bath and lotion.
It is recommended to use tincture for the prevention of diseases after 25 years. Use very carefully, starting with small doses.
Before starting the treatment and/or prevention of any disease with folk medicine, consult a doctor and get acquainted with the already acquired experience of other people.
You can find more information in the frequently asked questions.
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