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Dried galangal root - 50 grams

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This product does not contain prohibited narcotic and psychotropic substances, and is legal on the territory of Ukraine.


Kalgan is a small herbaceous perennial plant up to half a meter tall. The Latin name of the plant – Alpinia. Belong to the group of spicy-aromatic plants. The spice root is dug at the end of September. If it overwinters in the soil, it will not lose its useful properties either. The dug galangal roots are cleaned, the roots are removed, washed, and dried under a canopy. As they are ready, they change color to brown, the aroma and taste intensifies. Next, the spice is ground and packaged. Most often, galangal is sold in ground form, less often in dried form. Kalgan is a small herbaceous perennial plant up to half a meter tall. The Latin name of the plant – Alpinia. Belong to the group of spicy-aromatic plants. Botanical name – erect foxglove (Rotentilla erecta), narrow foxglove. This is an unpretentious, widespread, frost-resistant plant. Shoots shoots in early spring, deep green leaves appear on long petioles. Galangal blooms with small yellow flowers, in "cultivated" galangal species used in cooking and medicine, the flower consists of four petals. Other species do not have medicinal properties. They can be distinguished precisely by the number of flower petals – they have five of them. In nature, there are more than a hundred species of foxglove, which includes galangal. After the flowering period, the plant bears small seeds collected in several small fruits. Kalgan spice is the preparation (drying and grinding) of the root of the plant, less often the leaves and young shoots. The spicy aromatic plant belongs to the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), is a relative of the wonderful spices ginger and turmeric. At the end of summer – early autumn rhizomes – the most valuable part of the plant in terms of nutrients and useful substances, which is used as a spice, as well as for medicinal purposes, gains the maximum amount of useful substances, increasing in size. The root is similar to the rhizome of ginger, Its length – up to 7 centimeters, width 2-3 cm. The spice root is dug at the end of September. If it overwinters in the soil, it will not lose its useful properties either. The dug galangal roots are cleaned, the roots are removed, washed, and dried under a canopy. As they are ready, they change color to brown, the aroma and taste intensifies. Next, the spice is ground and packaged. Most often, galangal is sold in ground form, less often in dried form. Kalgan in dried form can be stored for up to 5 years without losing its beneficial properties and aroma, if the storage conditions of the spice are observed.
